***** Complementarity and curved cosmo-theory (AppMenk)

A great theoretical physicist, the Dane Niels Bohr, was convinced of the fundamental state of complementarity in Nature. The Chinese Yin-Yang symbol expressed it all for him. In my approach something similar happens where the 5-D space, (cosmic) black, is internally bordered by a zero-D space, (pure light) white, which mutually inter-penetrate in rings or spheres (stars). The pixall is the white spot in the black space, the opening to the infinity of pure light. The black spot is the black hole in the pure light, opening to the infinity of dense space, our universe.

To put this in a different way we can use the horn- or vortex-torus, here called ‘corus’, as a model to visualize how to turn our 4-D space ‘inside-out’, it is going as ‘surface’ into the curved vortex of the corus-centre and comes out on the other side as ‘pure light’. As I‘ve put it elsewhere: There is no other side to the centre of the Earth, it’s where the zero-dimension begins… (and ends…), the black hole, the inner border(-point).of space.
All signals bounce off of the core of the earth because of this ‘no-dimension’, they cannot penetrate through the centre because there is no ‘other side’ to the centre, only infinite density, the zero dimension of pure light.
This is a daring perspective. It means that every surface is the ultimate boundary of 4-D space, behind which the zero dimension begins. It is the consequence of the fact that 4-D space is bounded on the inside and boundless on the outside, because it is a complement of the zero-dimension of pure light.
In the theory of black-holes ‘entropy’ plays a surprising part, where it is stated that the entropy of the black hole is a state of maximum information. According to Dutch Nobel laureate Gerard tHooft, originator of the ‘holographic principle’ in cosmology, this means that this information must be compressed on the surface, the border, of the black hole as in ‘holography’. tHooft wonders though how we can ever get to the information on the ‘surface of the universe’, describing what happens in our world. When you though see the picture inside-out, the border of the universe is on (behind) every surface, it is the boundary of space itself by its matter-state, so the surface of our earth is also the inside surface of the universe.
The surface of the physical universe is the ground we are standing on. We have to realize that we always observe surfaces in space. We are kind of boundaries ourselves.
We are ‘die Grenze der Welt’, as Wittgenstein put it, the ‘boundary of the world’, where, as I argue the zero-dimension opens, the mind, the pure light. Every time you cut something open you get a new surface, you never get to the inside of matter, until you reach the space-pixall, itself a border-point of space. The space-pixall is something like the old atom, it cannot be cut up, it can only annihilate, ‘uncurl’, releasing pure light and be replaced by a new one in the open point, the deep-field cannot be damaged, it changes face, but is inexhaustible.
It is though nearly wrong to speak of individual pixalls, since they only exist in a field, not independently. The deep-field when damaged heals immediately through environmentally induced spin forming the black hole of the pixall, there is no true individuality at this level, spin creates seeming individuality, but has no eigen-momentum.
I think the geometry of the horn-/vortex-torus, with its total surface bordered and defined by only one central point reflecting the whole curved surface can be of great value in the holographic/information approach (Suskind, tHooft) which seems to be very close and compatible with the tools I use to pin down the space-pixall.
In excited state the pixall is a horn-toroid field, like the magnetic field around the earth. The magnetism is the fundamental toroid geometry of space, not a force, but a state of absorption and emission, of double circular motion, a state of stability.
In string theory they think to have found the smallest possible circle (T-duality), that is a good candidate for my space-pixall.

Nothing shows the existence of the aether as does magnetism in its field lines and electricity in its plasmas. Nicola Tesla knew Einstein was wrong about ‘abolishing’ the aether, which he himself saw as ‘gaseous’, probably because of the huge visible electro-magnetic plasma’s he created himself, he had an uncanny intuition regarding electromagnetism and space; a plasma is the most eloquent manifestation of the energy of the deep-field)

The system I reveal on this website is complementary to the Pythagorean ratios as this complementarity got forever embodied in the three pyramids of Giza where the full theorem is completely inherent in the ratios of the different pyramids: The Great and Third Pyramid express the above most important ‘Lost Giza Theorem’ whereas the Second Pyramid expresses the lesser Pythagoras theorem, highlighting the prime 37. (274/2=137=100+37). Both concern squares, Pythagoras’s in relation to the triangle, the ‘Lost Theorem’ in relation to the circle and the sphere. The latter is inevitably more intricate and more important.
I guess that the ‘Lost Theorem’ of antiquity about interacting circles and squares, respectively spheres and tori, that I present here in these pages, could eventually prove profound and far-reaching in science and the world.



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